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calendar_monthPublished on 4 Sep, 2024
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Written by Riya Lohia
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Asthma in children is not very different from asthma in adults. This illness is a significant cause of increased ER visits, hospital stays, and missed school days. However, you must overcome specific challenges to maintain the respiratory rate in children.
Sadly, there is no definite treatment for asthma in children. Additionally, the symptoms may even persist until adulthood. Yet, you and your child can manage the symptoms by protecting the lungs appropriately. This blog post discusses the rising prevalence of asthma, respiratory issues, and allergies in children. Read to know more!
When people develop an allergy, their immune system interprets an allergen, a substance that triggers allergic reactions. The immune system perceives it as a foreign body. Although a range of substances can cause asthma, the most common allergies in children occur due to moulds, pollens, dust mites, and animal dander.
Many times, specific food allergies in children trigger the immune system substantially. Such allergies can drastically affect the immune system and build respiratory disorders in children.
Once you know of your child’s asthma/food triggers, you can help avoid them as much as possible by making a few lifestyle adjustments. Here’s how:
It can be challenging to differentiate between the signs of asthma and common respiratory diseases in children. But, the symptoms of asthma in children are typically long-lasting and can have a detrimental impact on your child's quality of life. Below are the most typical asthma symptoms in children.
Additionally, here are some other asthma symptoms in children:
Triggers can worsen bronchial asthma symptoms in children and lead to an attack. Some of the common triggers that lead to asthma are:
Developing asthma symptoms in children can be caused by several factors. Some of the causes of asthma in children include:
1. Allergies: Allergies increase the risk of developing respiratory disorders in children. Moreover, specific allergy symptoms can trigger the development of asthma.
2. Genetics: If a child has a family history of allergies or asthma, they can develop bronchial asthma or respiratory illnesses.
3. Infections: Regular airway infections are one of the leading causes of respiratory distress in children under the age of 5.
Asthma has no known treatment. Treatments generally focus on lessening or curing the symptoms of asthma or respiratory distress and stopping continuous airway inflammation. Both at-home and clinical treatment are effective and helpful in managing the symptoms. Here’s how.
Some children might need medication to control their asthma symptoms even after making some lifestyle modifications. These drugs for asthma might consist of:
Although many of these drugs can be given in different ways, nebulisers and oral pills work best for treating younger children.
You can do a few things at home to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks and respiratory rates in children.
You must help your child in adhering to their asthma treatment plan and taking their controller medications on time. Below are a few other steps to keep your kids healthy, thereby reducing the risk of asthma in children.
An asthma attack can quickly turn into an asthma emergency. Especially when it comes to children, you might not want to take risks. However, if you take quick action, you can reduce the risk of asthma in children. If the asthma attack symptoms still appear after medications, follow up with your child’s doctor to restudy the asthma action plan.
It is highly recommended that you invest in a proper health insurance plan for your family. Care Health Insurance offers you numerous plans that can provide coverage for you and your children. Depending on your insurance needs and your budget, you can choose between an individual or a family floater plan.
>> Also Read: Does Your Health Insurance Provide Coverage for Asthma Treatment?
Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only. For more details about the health insurance plans and their benefits please refer to the sales prospectus, policy terms, and conditions.
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