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calendar_monthPublished on 24 Sep, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
A human body consists of trillions of cells with a wide range of possible functions. They have complex structures that depend on their location and function in the body. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can develop into 200 cells, such as the brain, blood, and muscle cells. They are vital for human development and also present in plants and animals. They are also known as master cells and daughter cells. So, let’s understand what stem cell therapy and its advantages to mankind are:
SCT is a sort of treatment that has the potential to create a paradigm shift in healthcare. It brings new hopes to many across the world, including patients, researchers, and clinicians. Under the procedure, stem cells can procure from several sources such as stem cells from a donor, cord blood, bone marrow, umbilical cord, etc. These cells implant into a patient’s body, which is known as bone marrow transplants. Stem cells replace the damaged cells and repair injured bone, tendons, and tissues. It helps the body to heal naturally. It has been giving promising results to the patients that are far better than conventional treatments. It is safe, speedy, and has less wait time.
SCT is a therapy in which stem cells use to treat diseases like leukemia, thalassemia, aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, storage disorders, and other life-threatening diseases.
Over the years of extensive research and clinical trials, India has turned as the hub of medical tourism for affordable stem cell therapy. Let's a take a look at the highlights:
Therefore, people in India now prefer stem cell therapy as a natural healer, less expensive, and a sustainable method of advanced treatment for chronic ailments. It has saved thousands of lives of children suffering from diseases like leukemia. However, critical clinical trials involving stem cells are still underway.
Stem cell therapy is a great therapy that creates a repair system in the body without harming good cells. Here are some of the significant benefits of stem cell therapy:
Stem cell therapy, indeed, is helping people to get back to their everyday lives. However, the cost is still a concern for many. But, if you have a reliable health insurance plan like Care-offered by Care Health Insurance, you do not need to worry. We cover the costs of several advanced treatments, including stem cell therapy (subject to policy terms and conditions). So, if you want to keep at bay from hefty medical bills, opt for it now. It not only provides you extensive coverage but also gives you a financial cushion and safeguard your family.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Stem cell therapy is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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