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Published on 6 Dec, 2019
Updated on 13 Jan, 2025
4 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
Experiencing a headache can be a result of several factors such as stress, lack of sleep, eyesight problems, skipped meals, etc. However, chronic headaches could be a sign of a migraine.
Health experts describe migraines as intense, debilitating, and throbbing pain in the head. There is no definitive cause associated with it, but there are conditions that can trigger a migraine.
Sometimes, the symptoms of a severe headache and migraine might seem similar. In that case, it is likely for any person to ignore his or her condition when it is migraine, and this could be problematic. That is why it is essential to be thoroughly informed about migraine, its symptoms, and the right health care. Moreover, timely diagnosis of the condition through migraine tests and treatment is vital because complications may arise if it is neglected. There are cases where migraines have triggered epileptic seizures, mental disorders, and stroke in patients.
Furthermore, knowing about the expenses involved in the treatment and getting a Mediclaim policy will make things easy when it comes to tackling migraine.
Often, migraine patients report a steady pain in their temples or forehead. The pain could also be on one side of the head. Some people get warning symptoms before a migraine attack. Other symptoms include:
Besides the factors mentioned above, there are other factors such as age, family medical history, and gender that can increase the risks of developing migraines in individuals. For instance, the chances of women being prone to migraines increase after puberty.
Studies have shown that females have three times higher chances of getting migraines as compared to males. Fluctuations in the Estrogen level can be a major reason for migraines in females. The variations can be due to pregnancy, menopause, and even around a woman’s menstrual cycle. In these cases, a woman may experience throbbing headaches. The symptoms of migraine may appear suddenly. So, it is essential to get proper medical attention and take preventive medicines.
Besides, there are general factors such as stress, changes in sleep pattern, change in weather, specific kind of foods, family history, etc. which may cause migraine symptoms in females. Furthermore, the consumption of hormonal medicines like oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy also trigger migraines in females.
We list the foods that cause migraines and thus must be avoided.
Severe headaches must not be ignored as it could be signs of severe disease. In case a person’s condition is unusual, and the pain becomes severe suddenly, then it is better to get the migraine tests to check the real cause of the pain.
Neurological tests are useful in detecting any problems related to the brain or nerves. Migraine tests give direction to the right medical treatment that depends on the severity of the headache and its frequency.
The old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ is quite relevant here. The best treatment for migraine is usually preventive methods to curb the trigger factors. This includes dietary changes, avoiding caffeine, reducing stress, exercises, etc. Also, taking preventive medications like antidepressants, anti-seizure pills and medicines to lower blood pressure prove to be beneficial.
With the advancement in health care facilities in India, there are also surgical procedures for treating chronic migraine. Since migraine is a neurological condition, it requires timely detection, cure, and expert medical care.
The expenses for the treatment may involve doctor’s fees, costs of tests, and hospital bills. Evidently, these may burn a hole in the pocket and add to the stress factor. Opting for a Mediclaim is one way to safeguard your finances.
With so many health insurance plans in the market, it might seem confusing to pick the one that is best suited for your health condition. As a rule, always consider your age, medical history, and health care needs in mind before opting for a policy. Buying an online health insurance plan gives you the freedom to review the policy features and make digital payments of premium without any hassle.
The best mediclaim policy is the one that helps you in availing the best cure for your health condition by offering a wide range of coverage. Rely on Care Health Insurance when it comes to getting the right policy and easy claim settlement.
>> Also Read: How to Protect your Savings during Paralysis Treatment
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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