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calendar_monthPublished on 6 Nov, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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A headache can cause severe discomfort and prevent us from carrying out daily activities. Massaging helps in reducing any localized pain. Acupressure is a system of alternative medicine that involves applying physical pressure to strategic points in the body for relieving symptoms of common health conditions, including headache, fatigue, anxiety, tension, and stress. Acupressure works for headache and minor problems while also healing the side effects of chemotherapy involved in cancer treatment.
Taking medicines for every common headache, often caused due to the constant use of mobile phones or laptops, is not a good idea. Alternative therapies work wonders in curing these symptoms of common disorders. The acupressure therapy is based on the principle that life energy flows through meridians in the body, and applying pressure to the points helps in clearing blockages in these meridians. The healing process, then, takes place owing to the uninterrupted energy flow.
Acupressure experts suggest activating these acupressure points for curing headache:
Third Eye: The third eye pressure point is located between the eyebrows. Applying constant pressure or gently massaging the point in a circular motion helps stimulate the third eye pressure.
Union Valley: The union valley is also known as the Hegu pressure point, located between the thumb and index finger on the loose skin. Holding this pressure point or moving the thumb in a circular motion reduces the pain.
Drilling Bamboo: Activating the two pressure points located on the inside of each eyebrow provide relief from the headache.
Gates of consciousness: There are two pressure points in the hollow space beneath the skull, located on each side of the spine. Massaging using the index and middle fingers will lower neck pain and headache related to it.
Yuyao: It refers to two acupressure points targeted for reducing eyes strain-induced headaches. It involves pressing at the midpoint of eyebrows and releasing. Also, applying pressure into the small depression at the inner corners of eyebrows help lower the strain.
The concept of reflexology in curing headaches is widely known. Many studies prove the effectiveness of acupressure with a visible reduction in the duration and intensity of headaches. When treating acute or chronic conditions, acupressure offers benefits alongside your regular treatment. Acupressure also helpful in lowering symptoms of migraine.
One should be careful of taking acupressure for headaches and check in case there are other existing conditions. It may not be advisable if one suffers from any heart condition, in case of pregnancy, or if the point pertains to a mole, varicose vein, cut, bruises, etc.
Alternative treatments are considered safe as they do not have any side effects. They work towards restoring our health by alleviating any pain and discomfort. If there are ailments, there are high medical bills, too. Consider investing in a Care- Comprehensive family health insurance plan that would provide you coverage for alternative treatments. Know more by visiting the official website of Care Health Insurance and get a health cover today!
>> Also Read What is Stem Cell Therapy and How It is Beneficial
Disclaimer: The information given in this article is for reference purposes. We recommend consulting a medical professional before going for alternative treatment.
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