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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Sep, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Saving money is one of the habits that can take the boat on the shore during a financial catastrophe. However, young earners have yet to master it. But, most of the parents are pro in saving hard-earned money. They always have tricks and tips to advice when it comes to finances. Children always give credit for their financial success to their parents. After all, they are the best teachers who teach all the chapters of life to their children. So, here you can read some great money-saving tips straight from parents' diary:
The very first lesson towards saving money from parents is to set a budget regardless of your marital status. You should maintain a daybook with your income and expenses. It should have the amount you require for petty, household, and grocery expenses per month, along with your monthly income. It helps you to track your expenses and earnings at the end of the month and allow you to spend rationally.
Once you have your monthly budget, the next thing you should do is to set your priorities. You are aware of how much monthly expenses you incur and how much money you have to spend. So, first spend on items like grocery, rent, EMI, if you have kids, then their school fees, etc. At last, see how much money you left with, keep some part as a contingency reserve, and if left with some, then you can spend on leisure activities like a salon, clothing, outing, and more.
It is one of the most important money-saving tips that parents advise their children is to limit spend extravagantly. Luxury is good, but only when you have a lumpsum bank balance. If you have limited means or just started with your first job, try to save more and spend less, especially on luxury items.
Buy one get one free, 25% extra, discount or coupons, always fascinate parents. They want you to go for such offers to save lots of money. Moreover, as you are a pro in online shopping, hunt for such deals that gives you a double bonanza.
It is the tip that you must have heard from your grandparents as well. Save a little from your monthly income. Whether it's a piggy bank in your cupboard or saving account in the bank, try to keep a small portion of your income unspent. It will help you a lot in the future.
Most of the millennial parents know the importance of good health and health insurance investment. They are aware of soaring medical inflation and the risk of medical uncertainty. Hospitalization can cost lakhs of rupees, which is why opting for a health policy is the best way to curb hefty hospital bills. Care Health Insurance offers comprehensive health insurance named as Care. It is affordable, and you can get it online. It covers hospitalization, medication, and treatment expenses and helps you to avail of the best advance treatment as and when required.
So, it's never too late; you must be working hard work to earn money. Follow these money-saving tips from parents for a bright and secure future.
>> Also Read: 6 Money-Saving Tips to Learn From Parents
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