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Published on 13 Aug, 2021
Updated on 29 Nov, 2023
3 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
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Over the years, it has been learnt that many diseases emerge and evolve within humans and infect masses. Communicable diseases emerge and spread from one person to another or from an animal to a person and can be highly infectious and life-threatening.
The spread can happen through many ways that include:
Communicable diseases are also termed naturally infectious and contagious diseases as well.
However, it is necessary to report communicable diseases to the prevention and control programs to ensure the appropriate treatment and to find the common source of the outbreak. This article is about 5 of the most common communicable diseases humans may encounter.
Let’s first learn about the common difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases -
As the name suggests, communicable diseases are easily transmissible from one to another directly or indirectly whereas non-communicable diseases are not directly transmissible. Autoimmune diseases, strokes, cardiovascular diseases, most cancers, cataracts and many others are non-communicable diseases and require immediate attention.
In this article, we will cover details about 5 of the most common communicable diseases that humans may encounter by coming in contact with the person infected with either of the diseases mentioned below-
It is always safe to keep yourself protected from diseases that are highly infectious and transmissible. Below mentioned are a few of the healthy habits that you can adopt to protect yourself from germs and infectious diseases from spreading-
Also, learn about 5 Diseases that cause Critical Illnesses
You are always safe if you take the necessary protection to protect yourself and your loved ones. As the old saying goes: prevention is better than the cure.
It has become a mandate to follow preventive measures in such crucial times when Covid-19 has taken over the entire world. Being aware and cautious is the key to combat these contagious diseases that may get life-threatening if not treated.
To ensure your protection, Care Health Insurance is well equipped with unparalleled health insurance plans that shield you when you need financial assistance. CHI is renowned for its promising services and has 22900+ cashless healthcare providers to keep you at ease.
Disclaimer: For more information on our health insurance plans, refer to our prospectus and brochures.
>> Also Read: Everything you need to know about Alzheimer’s Disease
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