Care Insurance
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Adopt these 5 Heart-Healthy habits to keep Diseases at bay

Experiencing pain in the chest, palpitations or breathlessness are the dreadful symptoms of a heart attack. The number of people getting affected by cardiovascular diseases in India is constantly on the rise. Moreover, getting quality treatment for such diseases can put a financial burden on families which is why buying a medical insurance policy is a sensible decision.

Cardiovascular disease is a collective term used for a group of heart disorders and includes hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, etc. There are numerous risk factors and some of them include family medical history, smoking, stress, high blood pressure, and obesity. Maintaining heart health should be the aim of every person who wants to prevent the fatal effects that heart diseases often lead to. Achieving this objective is possible by adopting a simple lifestyle and following some natural ways.

We explain them below.

Get Adequate Sleep

Inadequate sleep will not just affect your productivity at work but also put you at a higher risk of heart disease. Sleep disorders are linked to stress, obesity, high blood pressure, and heart attack. Hence, getting six to eight hours of peaceful sleep every night will eliminate these risk factors. You can include stress management techniques and breathing exercises that will help you get sound sleep and ultimately a healthy heart.

Maintain Ideal Body Weight

Since obesity is one of the major causes of heart problems, hence making the right choice of maintaining a healthy body weight should be a priority. To ensure that, you must keep a watch on your waist size as well as the Body Mass Index (BMI) that should be within the maximum limit of 25. Losing bodyweight by just a mere 3 percent will aid in decreasing the triglycerides and cholesterol levels in your blood. It will also lower the blood sugar levels and the risks of type-2 diabetes that is another reason for heart-related disorders.

Increase Physical Activity

Many of us lead a sedentary lifestyle which is a trigger factor for various illnesses. Regular exercises in the form of brisk walking, swimming, cycling or even moderate aerobic exercise will not just control your body weight but also lower the risks of heart ailments. Leading an active life will improve blood circulation and eliminate the stress that is a major cause of high blood pressure.

Embrace a Healthy Diet

For achieving a healthy heart, it is essential to say no to saturated fats and trans fats, processed carbohydrates, salt, and sugar. Cutting down on your salt intake is beneficial for maintaining the blood pressure at the right level. Follow a balanced and nutritious diet which should include low-fat products, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Include food items such as nuts that will add good cholesterol that is vital for your body. Consume foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Avoid Consumption of Tobacco and Alcohol

Cigarette smoking and other kinds of tobacco use is an addiction that has serious consequences such as lung cancer. It can damage the blood vessels, reduce oxygen levels, and raise the blood pressure and heart rates. Even passive smoking is believed to have harmful effects.

Similarly, high consumption of alcohol is an invitation to serious heart and liver ailments. Limiting your alcohol intake to moderate amounts can, in fact, be beneficial for your body.

If you or your loved one is suffering from a heart ailment, it is must to follow these tips mentioned above. Opt for a Heart Mediclaim Insurance from Care Health Insurance to safeguard your expenses.

>> Also Know The Link Between Diabetes, Heart Diseases and Stroke

Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.

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