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Published on 14 Aug, 2020
Updated on 23 Feb, 2024
2 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
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Kidneys are one among the vital organs in the body along with the heart, lungs, liver, and brain. They perform the essential task of filtering waste products and flushing toxins out of the system. Health problems related to the kidneys must never be ignored as they may turn into a chronic disease at a later stage. If ailments such as diabetes and hypertension go unchecked, they can lead to kidney disease.
Diet is pivotal in ensuring normal kidney function. Several healthy kidney food options are available that will help prevent the onset of kidney-related ailments. Further, one should adopt a few changes in lifestyle to maintain kidney health.
You can keep ailments at bay by following healthy kidney tips as we discuss them in this article.
Intake of water and fluids is crucial for kidney function. An average individual requires at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day; but, it also depends on age & weather conditions, among other factors. Drinking plenty of water will help in preventing kidney stones, formed due to building up of some minerals. It also helps in flushing out bacteria that cause infections.
Green leafy and other vegetables like red capsicums, cauliflower, and cabbage comprise of useful nutrients that boost kidney health. Moreover, good food for kidney includes fruits like dark berries which have ample antioxidants. Vegetable or fruit juices are a better way to consume these nutrient-rich foods.
Besides, egg whites are excellent sources of healthy protein to keep kidneys strong. Avoid egg yolks in the diet of kidney patient.
Just like a healthy kidney diet, scheduling a regular exercise routine is beneficial. It will keep kidney disease at bay besides various illnesses such as hypertension and diabetes. Walking and other forms of exercise will enhance muscle strength and control body weight.
Also, staying physically active will reduce high blood pressure and improve blood circulation. Before starting an exercise regime, you can consult an expert to know which type of exercise suits you.
Uncontrolled diabetes and blood pressure are risk factors for kidney ailments. Apart from regular medication, one should follow an ideal lifestyle that also includes eating healthy meals. One should cut down the intake of junk foods and a diet containing sodium, phosphorus, and potassium. Meals prepared from whole-grains are good alternatives to choose.
Due to risks of kidney ailment owing to several lifestyle and hereditary factors, it is advisable to take regular medical check-ups. A Kidney Function Test reveals the presence of any kidney-related illness. It is mainly a must for senior citizens or persons with cardiovascular diseases, obesity, or diabetes. It is necessary to make the best choices of healthy kidney food, along with taking preventive measures by leading a healthy lifestyle.
If you or someone you know is suffering from kidney disease, it is equally essential to have healthy foods. Besides changes in the diet of kidney stone patients, they must also limit alcohol intake. Smoking can damage blood vessels and restrict blood flow to kidneys. So, it is better to quit this risky habit.
To lower the burden of expensive medical procedures for kidney disease, buy a health insurance policy. Choose Critical Illness Insurance by Care Health Insurance that covers 32 life-threatening ailments, including End-Stage Renal Failure.
>>Also Read: Discover the Top Causes of Kidney Stones
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Kidney diseases is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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