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calendar_monthPublished on 10 Sep, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 6 Feb, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Since the last 20 years, the role and rights of women have changed beyond all respect. But, one thing that has stayed constant is women still not doing justice with their health. Health and fitness is the last thing that comes in their mind after family and work. However, a healthy diet, exercise regime, and health check-up are essential for maintaining health, irrespective of gender. Of course, due to biological differences between men and women, the intensity and need for fitness can be different. So, intending to increase the awareness about the importance of women's health care, National Women's Health and Fitness Day is set every last Wednesday in September. In 2020 it will be on 30th September. Let's dive into more details and what you can do on this day?
This day is an effort to motivate women to take care of their health and emphasis on their overall well-being. Several organizations, wellness centers, companies, gyms organize different activities and encourage females to participate. Various talk shows with well-experienced doctors organized who talk about healthy living, wellness, anxiety, depression, and how to maintain a work-life balance. So, if you also want to stay fit or want to get back to your exercise regime, mark this day in your calendar. Here are some ways to give it a kick start:
If you want to get success, you have to set a goal for it. Similarly, you have to set your goals in terms of health and fitness as well. Check your BMI, body weight, and height and plan your fitness regime accordingly. Promise to achieve the fitness targets is one of the best gifts women can give it to themselves. After all, if you keep yourself fit, then only you can nurture your family as well.
It's a fact that workout can be boring at times. Therefore, after setting your goals, your next to-do task is to look out your workout buddy. Try to interact with people in the gym or your workout stations. Indeed you will find someone with the same interest. Moreover, you can ask your spouse, colleague, friend, sibling, to join you for a workout.
Diet plays a vital role in your fitness. Your body, work schedule, and metabolism are different from your family members. Maybe the food you eat together is not fulfilling your nutrient levels and high chances of creating several deficiencies. So, it's better to consult with the dietician and get the right diet plan that suits your body needs.
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Last but not the least thing is to opt for women's health insurance plans. At present, when medical inflation is soaring, and medical costs are skyrocketing, health policy can help you a lot. Care Health Insurance brings you Care- a health plan that gives you and your family members comprehensive care and protection. It also gives you financial cushion so that you can keep your savings and hard-earned money for future purposes. Listed below are its significance benefits:
Hence, the moral of the story is as a woman; you should never overlook your health and health care expenses. On the occasion of National Women's Health & Fitness Day, get to know more ways for women's health care with the right health insurance to stay in the pinkest of your health.
>> Also Read: Health Insurance Plans for Women in India
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only.
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