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Published on 25 Apr, 2024
Updated on 8 May, 2024
5 min Read
Written by Mudit Handa
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Over time, there has been a positive societal shift in approaches to dealing with mental health issues. People have begun addressing mental health problems more constructively with a positive approach towards how to have good mental health, thus reducing the chances of the condition becoming worse.
Although there have been drastic changes in the way people normalise mental issues, we are yet to make many significant strides in this direction. Data reveals that India has the highest rate of suicide in the world. While this is heart-breaking, we need to understand that avoiding any kind of health issue is not always possible. There are always ways to improve mental health. Knowledge of this topic and comfortable conversations among family and friends can be a major step forward in this direction. This article will give you meaningful insights on how to improve your mental health and various mental health tips.
Prior to cure comes the diagnosis, so, let's begin with first understanding the various types of mental health challenges before addressing how to improve mental health. Depending on the significant differences in the way a person is feeling and behaving, mental health challenges may also differ. Let's understand how to have better mental health:
Anxiety, the feeling of nervousness and stress, is common, and one may experience it before an exam, a race competition, a big day, etc. However, when anxiety remains persistent and starts affecting your daily life, it may become a mental concern.
Depression is a state of extreme and persistent sadness, hopelessness, and lack of interest in things that once used to be interesting. Depression may also lead to appetite and weight loss, mood swings, and moderate to severe mental stress.
Other than the usual ups and downs of daily life, people with bipolar disorders can experience extreme and unusual highs and lows of moods that affect their daily lives.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disorder associated with constantly repetitive thoughts. People with OCD can find it difficult to control certain behaviours and activities even when they try to control them.
A traumatic event in life, like the death of a close one or an accident, can leave a long-term mental impact. It may lead to PTSD, which includes flashbacks of the events.
It is always best to seek help from a professional or someone close. It can help in better understanding of the situation and mental health healing.
Caring for yourself involves looking after your mental well-being as well. In order to improve mental health, you have to put in effort daily. Here, we will discuss the top 10 tips to maintain your mental health and various ways to improve mental health:
Remember, mental health improvement may take weeks or months. So, do not try to rush, but trust the process. While the initial step might seem challenging, progressing will undoubtedly become easier with time.
Self-care is not selfish but the purest form of love. So, do not hesitate when it comes to caring for your mental peace. It is one of the best mental stability tips. For your mental stability, it's okay to take a day off from everything, go on a solo trip, or just sit back and relax.
The way you think may have a long-term and serious impact on your overall health. Yes, saying so is easier than being done. But it is also true that tweaking your thoughts is only possible when you make efforts in this direction. Persistent fear of the future can be a hindrance in your today's peace.
You may have heard people and professionals advocating 7-8 hours of sound sleep and it is quintessential, indeed. A disturbed sleep cycle can not only affect your daily work but also your overall health.
The food you eat has an effect not only on your gut but also on your mental health. You may talk to a nutritionist who may help you create a diet chart that can do the best for your body and mind. And once in a while, cheating for your favourite meal or chocolate is ok!
Connecting with people nearby can be a great idea. Humans are social animals and surrounding yourself with a few friends and neighbours at times gives you escape from the stress of life. A few happy evenings with a cup of coffee and friends around can change a lot!
Hobbies are one of the best refreshing things for your mind. Do you recall your lost hobby which you really want to begin again? Be it painting, writing songs or poems, art, etc. you are never too late to start it again.
Pen down your feelings and you will never regret sharing your thoughts with your dear diary. If not every day, you may pen down a few pages once in a while. Diaries can be your most patient listener.
Being primitive means going off social media for some time. While social media and the internet are significant platforms for exploring ideas and gathering knowledge, it can sometimes take a toll on your mental health. Enjoying your life in peace with your loved ones around can be a boon sometimes.
Physical exercise refreshes your mind and also keeps you healthy. You may choose any time of the day for it and early morning exercise in the arms of sunshine can be a great decision!
Bonus Tip: You can Hold a Helping Hand!
As aforementioned, it is always the best option to seek a professional’s advice on the matter. Choose what works best for you.
So, if you are really concerned about how to be mentally healthy, follow these top 10 tips to maintain your mental health and you will surely see a difference in your mental well-being!
Regression of mental health stigma has also impacted the health insurance industry and has brought meaningful changes and additions to the types of coverage it offers. As per the Mental Health Act, of 2017, now it is compulsory for insurers to offer mental health coverage on health insurance policies. So now, you do not have to worry about the counsellor and treatment expenses when it comes to mental health healing.
Care Health Insurance is there to assist you at every step of mental health healing. The specific insurance policy that offers coverage to boost mental health is what care ensures. Care Supreme Health Insurance Coverage is well-known for its extensive coverage up to INR 1 crore, where the insurer offers coverage for OPD consultation charges for 4 physical consultations from 14 specified specialists including Psychiatrist. Additionally, under the scope of coverage of our Care Freedom plan, one of the mental conditions anxiety is also covered.
So, all you have to do is focus on ways to improve mental health and stop worrying about medical expenses.
Opening up to someone about the mental struggles you are going through can undoubtedly be tough. Remember, it's ok to not be ok. Acknowledging and accepting your mental health challenge is your first achievement towards defeating it. Let your near and dear ones know what you are going through, even if it seems extremely difficult to open up. You may also seek help from a professional, a counsellor who can understand you in a better way.
Just like you need a doctor for physical health problems, you may need someone professional when it comes to mental health challenges. You are not alone and there are many ways to improve mental health. All it takes for mental health improvement is a little courage to speak up for yourself and reach out for help.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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