Care Health Insurance is an insurance company that offers a range of health and travel insurance products. Our team of skilled writers at Care keeps a close eye on the latest health, travel, and insurance-related trends and bring advantageous blogs to you in just a few clicks.
Is your tight budget crushing your dream to travel across the globe? We understand how travelling to most foreign countries can hit your wallet due to the declining rupee value. But did you know there are countries where Indian rupee is stronger. Not just this, these global destinations are also the places, but also whe...
"Women's health needs to be front and centre – it often isn't, but it needs to be" We will soon be celebrating International Women's Day 2024. While everyone should prioritise their health irrespective of their gender, economic status, and age, whole year round, days like International Women's Day should encourage a review of vario...
बुखार होना सबसे आम स्वास्थ्य समस्या है। जब शरीर का तापमान सामान्य से अधिक हो जाता है तो बुखार कहलाता हैं। बुखार एक तरह से बीमारी होने का लक्षण हैं। जब हमारा शरीर किसी संक्रमण या बीमारी से लड़ रहा होता है, तो बुखार होता है, जैसे- फ्लू, वायरल, आदि। मौसम जैसे ही बदलता है, लोग बीमार पड़ने लगते हैं, खासकर मौसम के शुरुआत और अंत में ।  ...
“Everytime you light a cigarette and smoke, you lose 11 minutes of your life” If you are a smoker and know how it could affect your health, yet you aren't quitting, you are getting yourself into trouble. Tobacco harms your health, whether it is smoked or chewed. Acetone, tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide are some harmful ing...
Stem cells are exceptionally promising in treating various diseases, injuries, and other health conditions. The success rate of stem cell therapy has proven results due to its efficacy in treating health conditions related to the blood. It has saved many lives of people with blood cancer (leukaemia) and is also used for tissue grafts to t...
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