Care Health Insurance is an insurance company that offers a range of health and travel insurance products. Our team of skilled writers at Care keeps a close eye on the latest health, travel, and insurance-related trends and bring advantageous blogs to you in just a few clicks.
Parenthood is a life-changing experience. The everlastingly rewarding journey, however, can be a little complicated for many. The harrow and anxiety of not being able to satisfy one’s wish of becoming a parent can be boundless. Until a few years ago, the probable answer for a childless couple was adoption. Thanks to the advances in...
Did you know your sleeping position greatly affects your physical and mental health? Yes, you read it right; if you are asleep, that doesn’t mean your body is at rest. The body starts to repair and restore while you are sleeping, and it all depends on the position you are sleeping on. However, your sleeping position could disturb bo...
Being a mother is said to be the beginning of a new life. While most women consider giving birth to be the happiest time of their lives, the process can often take a toll on their physical as well as mental health. The human body undergoes massive changes at the time of a child’s birth, and therefore, the right post-natal care for t...
वर्तमान समय में दुनिया कई अलग-अलग महामारियों के दौर से गुजर रही है। कोरोना वायरस, मंकी पॉक्स से लेकर टोमैटो फ्लू तक सभी गंभीर बीमारियां बन जाती है, जब इंसान थोड़ी सी लापरवाही करना शुरू कर देता है। आज के समय में टोमैटो फ्लू भारत में अपना पैर धीरे-धीरे पसार चुका है। आइए जानते हैं, टोमैटो फ्लू क्या है, टोमैटो फ्लू के लक्षण, कारण और इलाज इत्य...
The most fundamental aspect involved in a health insurance policy is the sum insured, i.e. the total amount of the health cover. The health coverage amount is the key inducement for which any individual regularly pays the premium. But, what if the sum insured gets exhausted due to the claims made for hospitalisation expenses? It i...
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