Care Health Insurance is an insurance company that offers a range of health and travel insurance products. Our team of skilled writers at Care keeps a close eye on the latest health, travel, and insurance-related trends and bring advantageous blogs to you in just a few clicks.
खांसी एक सामान्य रोग है, लेकिन यह अत्यंत कष्टदायक भी हो सकती है। खांसी बच्चों से लेकर बुजुर्गों तक किसी को भी हो सकती है। यह अक्सर मौसम में होने वाले बदलाव, अपने दिनचर्या में बदलाव या किसी अन्य कारणों से भी खांसी हो सकती है। यदि आपको खांसी होती है तो आपके गले में खराश और दर्द भी महसूस हो सकता है। आमतौर पर जब हमें खांसी होती है तो हम मेडिक...
You can’t miss out on a hot steaming ladle of dal served at least in one meal of the day if you are an Indian staying in whichever part of the world. As you know, dal, also called lentils, has been a staple diet across India and many other countries and comes in various varieties. Beyond its delectable taste and versatility, it is a...
As per the reports of WHO, more than 8 million people die due to tobacco consumption per year across the globe. Despite continuous warnings, an increase in awareness, and rising death tolls, the use of tobacco continues on a large scale. Since the lungs experience the deadliest effects of smoke, cancer, lung failure, and heart attack are...
Out of all the travel hiccups one may encounter during a journey through the clouds, being hijacked would be the last thing to anticipate! The good news is that plane hijacking has ceased in the past decade, all thanks to the strict airport laws and security measures. However, given the obnoxious situation of wars in various parts of the...
Suppose you have been allowed to travel overseas for a workshop on behalf of your organisation. You have been given two weeks to submit your passport to apply for the work permit. Unfortunately, your existing passport has expired, and applying for a new passport may take 30-45 days to process. As a result of this, you are unable to grab t...
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